How I Found What's Next

A grab bag of links, lessons I learned, and recommendations I received on the road “between consulting gigs.” Offered in reflection, gratitude, and the hope that this can be useful to someone else seeking new adventures.
View from a road into a desert valley at Terlingua, Texas

Well my Dad used to tell me that anybody who ever became somebody got laid off at some point.

— The State Trooper who pulled me over in West Texas because I’d gotten my Xterra so caked in mud that it obscured my plates. I think he decided I wasn’t likely to make trouble when all he saw in the back was a copy of product management bible Inspired: How to Create Tech Product Customers Love sitting on my rolled out sleeping bag next to a pile of dirty clothes and a week’s worth of Clif Bars.

Having spent the last three weeks ramping up as a new Product Manager at Very, I’m looking back over my time off. A lot happened over the last three months that spanned my notice period, unemployment, and the early weeks of re-learning how to answer to an alarm clock. At the beginning, a friend told me:

Keep a journal for two reasons. First, you will lose track of what day it is and have no idea what you did all week if you don’t write it down. Also, writing it down will help motivate you to not have too many empty days.

Both decidedly true. I strongly encourage doing this.

The last time I looked for work was 2012. As I ramped up, I realized my local professional network is not large, likely stemming from a long tenure at a distributed company and being an Austin native. I know a million people here, but mostly not through professional channels. So I found a few relevant meetups.

Going to events was even more helpful than it was awkward. I highly recommend it, though I would lean more toward networking and peer groups than job fairs. I also reached out to personal connections, many of whom I know to be well networked. It was comforting how much smaller the world suddenly seemed.

I found, though did not attend all of:

These groups have committed to start overlapping some of their events and more clearly differentiating their primary focuses. Also all of this is Austin, but has listings for groups everywhere.

Applications Process

Keeping notes left me with interesting data. Inspired by a post Interviewing 201: Lessons from seven months of interviewing by Kellen Freeman, I too made a Sankey diagram.

Sankey flow diagram showing job application sources and outcomes

He wrote a series of posts about his search — they’re all great reads (part 1, part 2, and especially part 3 on “manufacturing luck” and acknowledging privilege). My observations hit on a lot of his takeaways, notably:

My additions:

For anyone keeping score, my new job’s flow was “Somebody knew somebody who offered to float my resume.” And I owe a lot of my confidence going into the interview to a group of 8 people who I met at the grocery.

“50 Ways to Get a Job”

A mentor introduced me to another meetup — the newly formed Austin Product Job Club. At the first gathering, over 100 of us were divided into small groups to meet weekly around town. I joined the “Downtown Whole Foods” posse.

It was fascinating. We were each applying to similar roles, often to the same companies. And with the multitude of folks who showed up to Sorting Hat Night, I was intimidated when I realized we are all applying to all of the same posts. There was an awkwardness to it, but everyone in my group leaned in. We all had our eyes set on different definitions of “the right fit” so it never felt competitive. Those were rewarding conversations and great connections.

For the first 4-6 weeks, we book-clubbed Dev Aujla’s 50 Ways to Get a Job. It’s a holistic view of the job search, offering meditations and unexpected quests alongside more tactical exercises. I recommend this to anyone in transition regardless of field, and I encourage buying the paperback to use as a workbook — in a group setting if possible, but solo if not.

We didn’t do every exercise; several seemed inaccessible or a bit “out there.” But I margin scribbles all over:

After the first month, our conversations focused less on book exercises than progress updates, networking aid, interview retros, and facets of the work. However, having a book of helpful “things to do that are not applications” with an optimistic “self-help book” voice was great for attitude.

Our group got a lot of benefit from the momentum of meeting every week starting immediately after the big sorting hat night. If you join PJC, push for that. If you are starting a job seekers group on your own: that’s my #1 recommendation for a successful group. Followed by: have a Slack channel or group chat.

“Go to a Job Board and then Leave.”

[…] Although this seems counterintuitive, only 3 percent of all jobs are found by applying through a job board, so you may as well invest your time doing something else. The biggest unforeseen cost to beginning the lengthy process of applying on job boards is the emotional dive you take when you send applications out into the unknown only to hear nothing in response.

No matter how qualified you are, the lack of a response can make you question your skills and feel like the work you have put in up to this point has not been worth it. This is not true. […] Blame it on the job board.

(Aujla, 167-168)

That said, these helped me find options to look into:

The Reading List

These were recommended along the way:

And if that’s not enough, these two links dropped in the PJC chat:

So what of the journal?

Well, you’re reading it. At least, as much of it as I recorded. I wanted to “pay forward” the resources and tips I collected in this process and mix in entertaining bits of the story.

Accepting the offer, an unexpected tragedy, and Christmas all hit at the same time. In the ensuing commotion, my dedication to the process fizzled. Later, I realized my “list of stuff that happened and checkboxes of stuff that needs doing” is awfully reminiscent of a Bullet Journal.

I’ve rebooted the “Funemployment Diary” into a New Year’s Experiment: using a Bullet Journal. I’ve written before about Notion for project and work notes, which I did use for the diary and continue to use for everything else. But I have long had trouble making routine use of to-do list applications despite Todoist being an exceptionally good one.

An open notebook with terrible handwriting next to a keyboard and mouse.

So while I’m still in “say yes to everything” mode: as recommended by both a former colleague and a PJC sponsor, I’ve continued my efforts to list life on paper in bullet form. I’m giving it a trial run in Q1, but so far it has helped with productivity and keeping track of things until they are done or intentionally discarded.

My handwriting leaves much to be desired.


There was a lot of goofing off, too. And to Aujla’s credit, the 5,000 miles I covered in December did offer a lot of time to think about what’s next and find insights in unexpected places.

Me wearing a new team shirt from Very

This brings me to Very. I reached out to a lot of folks over the last few months, and I can confirm — y’all are the best. I’m grateful for all of you who helped me, kept me company, recommended me, checked in on me, chatted work stuff, made me dinner, bought me a beer, and pushed me to keep up the momentum. My thanks to my family, so many friends, colleagues, the climbers of GLAM and HC, the cohort of SNYAM 11, the members and organizers of Austin Product Job Club and our Downtown Group, fellow Board and co-Producers of Zilker Theatre Productions, TU and SAS alumni, current and former Web Chefs, the Veryians, Officer Stanton, and everyone else along the road.